No, you do not need to buy any of Lustau products to submit your entry. Contact us for more information

You will receive a confirmation email once we have received your entry. If you do not, please contact us and we will try to locate your entry.

No, you do not. You are only required to use a minimum of 1 oz. of any product from THE HOUSE of LUSTAU. Using more won’t affect your cocktail review.

Adding a pairing option to your Lustau cocktail is optional. We do encourage you to add one. Adding one, however, won’t give you extra points.

Competition starts on October 1st. The submission form will be closed until that date. If you are trying to submit your cocktail recipe during the prelims phase, and encounter any issues please contact us.

You will receive an email with updates if you are participating. You will have to wait until official and public communications if you are not participant.

We will contact you to arrange your stay/ transportation and expenses for the final showdown. A member of The House of Lustau will contact you and assist you with anything you may need to prepare yourself for the finals.